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What Does It Cost to Live at Royal Oaks in Sun City?
Compare Your Options and Discover the Best Value.

We believe the best way to really see the value of Royal Oaks is to see the bottom line. Our Financial Calculator is a quick and easy way to see your current monthly expenses compared to Royal Oaks.

Get Started!

Fill in the blanks with your known current monthly living expenses. When you have completed the forms, the Financial Calculator will generate a Cost Comparison Report showing a side-by-side comparison.

  • If an expense is not applicable to you, enter 0 in the box.
  • If you are unsure of an expense, click on the “Apply Area Average”. The average estimated cost for your area will automatically be applied. (Source: Maricopa County 2020)

Preload Area Average Costs

Monthly Home Costs

If any of the following expenses are not applicable, enter 0 in the box. If you are not sure of the amount of a given monthly expense, click the “Show Area Average” button.

Monthly Home Upkeep & Maintenance Costs

If any of the following expenses are not applicable, enter 0 in the box. If you are not sure of the amount of a given monthly expense, click the “Show Area Average” button.

Transportation and Entertainment

If any of the following expenses are not applicable, enter 0 in the box. If you are not sure of the amount of a given monthly expense, click the “Show Area Average” button.

Transportation Note: Expect to maintain at least one vehicle while residing at Royal Oaks. However, due to scheduled and special event transportation provided by the community, a second car is likely unnecessary. If you do have a second car, please insert your expense for that vehicle (car payment, monthly insurance, maintenance, lease).

Thank you for using our Financial Calculator.

Just one last step. Fill in your name and email in the boxes below to see how your monthly expenses compare to Royal Oaks.

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